Sweet Garden


Sweet Garden Pastry


Arachova, Greece



The design aimed to create a homely atmosphere in Arachova, balancing the region’s cold winters and hot summers while highlighting pastry, bakery, coffee, and ice cream. 

The façade features new frames for enticing views of the treats, drawing in passers-by. Inside, preserved rock masonry provides a soft backdrop, complemented by restored wooden beams on the roof that enhance the shop’s length and character. A 0.5m height difference divides the space into circulation/preparation and seating areas, connected by a white-painted steel staircase that blends into a multifunctional piece of furniture, complete with a planted olive tree.

The seating area reflects the Greek concept of “estia,” symbolizing a gathering place, marked by the olive tree and a triangular bench design that visually elevates it. The white horizontal shelves, separated by vertical wooden pseudo-columns, create unity between the preparation and seating areas.